In Memory of Matthew Bahlinger

Provided by Matthew's Family:
On the third installment of Matt’s Dinner, the Matthew Bahlinger Memorial Fund fed the entire Tiger Band and support staff during Band Camp on Friday, August 23. Through contributions from Texas Roadhouse and Walk-Ons, where Matthew had worked, and from Raising Cane’s and Coke United, we catered a delicious meal for the new 2024 Tiger Marching band.
The Matthew Bahlinger Memorial Fund was formed to raise awareness for the need for mental health services for Tiger Band and to aid in providing those services.
Our son, Matthew, loved marching and playing saxophone in the LSU Tiger Marching Band in the 2016 and 2017 football seasons. He was well-liked among his peers and he was admired for his dry wit, unceasing friendships, and strong moral character. As an aspiring mechanical engineer, he dreamed of building projects that would help others, even if it was just one person. Throughout his short life and despite his own inner struggles, he frequently made sacrifices in order to help his family and friends. However, he was the one who needed more help.
Matthew battled depression from the age of 16. He received counseling throughout high school, but had a difficult time finding services during his time at LSU. He lost his battle with depression in February of 2022 at the age of 24.
Out of this tragedy came the desire to create something that could have a positive impact on those members of Tiger Band. We wanted to be a catalyst in providing the kind of services that could make a difference in people’s lives. Hence, the Matthew Bahlinger Memorial Fund and Matt’s Dinner were born.
We are pleased to announce that the part-time counselor was an overwhelming success last year. So much so, that there was a part-time counselor for the summer semester and two part-time counselors for the fall and spring semesters. These counselors are available to students in all LSU Department of Bands and the College of Music and Dramatic Arts.
We continue to sponsor the Tiger Band section leaders with QPR training, a short seminar on how to recognize those struggling with mental health issues and refer them to the counselors.
All of these accomplishments were made possible by contributions to the Matthew Bahlinger Memorial Fund. Your donation to the fund will enable us to continue to provide these needed services.
If you prefer to make your gift by check, make payable to: LSU Foundation
Notation Line: In Memory of Matthew Bahlinger
Send to: LSU Foundation
3796 Nicholson Dr.
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
The LSU Foundation will share notices about memorial gifts with Matthew’s family. We do not share the gift amount unless a donor explicitly gives us permission to do so.